Why Most Interesting Man?

I was listening to the interview below and thought, "she's the most interesting woman in the world!" I then thought about how that epithet is generally applied to a man. Why?! There are so many interesting women, and often so much more interesting than the men that lauded, that I wanted to start looking for them and sharing them. Each post will feature a "Most Interesting Woman!"

Gloria Steinem attending the Ms. Foundation for Women’s 23rd annual Gloria Awards, named for her, on May 19, 2011. ms.foundation.org h/t Wikipedia
Starting with Gloria Steinam. Who is 83 years old(!) and only grows more fascinating. She was on the BBC radio show "Desert Island Discs" in 2016 and interviewed by Kirsty Young (an interesting woman in her own write whom I hope to feature in the future.) Steinam's musical choices are as interesting has her life and work. Enjoy!
